
Colistin Sulfate 10% Granule

  • Summary
  • Picture
  • Packing
  • Product Description

    Colistin Sulfate 10% Granuleis a granulated premix containing 100 g (activity) of colistinper 1 kg of product. Colistin Sulfate 10% Granuleis used for manufacturing complete feeds for broilers, laying hen, swineand cattle.

    Indications for Use

    ??????????? Reduction of early mortality in chicks and piglets

    ??????????? Prevention and treatment of diseases caused by sensitive bacteria in variety species, including cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry and rabbits,e.g.Pseudomonas, Salmonellaand Escherichia coli

    ??????????? Treatment of digestive disease caused by Escherichia coliand Salmonella spp. in cattle, swine and poultry

    Additional Benefits

    ?????????? Promotion of growthand egg / milk production

    ??????????? Protection of health of handling people due to practically dust free granule

    Recommended Dosage*



    Colistin Sulfate 10% Granule
    (g per ton of feed)

    Colistin in feed (mg/kg)

    Piglets, Chickens, Cattle

    Prevention intestines disease caused by gram-negative bacteria

    Certain growth promotion effect.



    Swine, Chickens,


    Treatment intestines disease caused by gram-negative bacteria

    750 -1,000


    Human and Animal Safety

    ??????????? No toxic found at 10 times the highest approved level

    ??????????? Poorly absorption by oral administration by animals

    Compatibility with other drugs

    ?????????? Synergistic effect with a variety of antimicrobial agents, e.g.,macrolides, tetracyclines, andbacitracin

    ?????????? Compatible with antidiarrhoeal agents (e.g.,N-butyl scopolamine, kaolin) and viatamins

    ?????????? No antagonism effect with other antibiotics and anti-coccidiostats during oral administration


    ??????????? Colistin Sulfate 10% Granule25kg per bag is marketed by Lifecome Biochemistry Co. with multi-wall bag.

    ??????????? As requested, LifeCOLB? 10% Granule, which is a new product containing biomass, is available.

    Other Information

    ?????????? Self-life is 24 months from the date of manufacture

    ?????????? Protect contents from humidity after opening, store in a dry and cool place

    ?????????? Use in dry feeds?only

    ?????????? Under the regulation of each country, veterinarian supervision may be required

    * Specific claims vary by country. Please contact Lifecome Biochemistry Co. representative ordistributor for more information.

  • Address:No. 19,Nanpu Ecological Industrial Park,

    Pucheng,Fujian, China

  • Tel:0599-2846588

  • Email:sales@pclifecome.com

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